The more weight that I have to lose the more intense my exercise routine should be Weight Loss Truth: Although having an intense workout routine is great, there are a few things you should consider: the first being that everyone is at a different level when it comes to their fitness and how much Aktiv Keto i ntensity they can actually handle. If you have been physically inactive for a number of years, an intense work out for you might be, walking half a mile a day. After you walk that half mile you notice that you are sweating bullets and that you are tired. However, for someone who has been physically active for many years, walking half a mile can be done without a sweat. Everyone has a different definition of what "intense" is. If intense for you is working out for an hour a day, but due to life's busy schedule you only have time for 20 minutes Aktiv Keto a day, then those 20 minutes will go an extremely long way. It might not necessarily be classified as "inte...